
Quantum Kickers is a renowed child development program. Join Anytime!

Step onto the field

in any Quantum Kickers class

Ages: 18 months–8 year old

and you will find it transformed into a world created just for your child. Our developmentally minded coaches provide 50 minutes of highly creative, high-energy, and age-appropriate activities that not only teach technically sound soccer skills, but also help children develop physically, intellectually, and emotionally. You will see happy, confident, and sweaty kids who are eager to learn and want to keep coming back for more.


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18 to 26 months

This parent participation class uses a variety of props, songs, and games to engage toddlers in participation activities. Simple motor skills are stressed.

24 to 36 months

More advanced motor skills are stressed. Similar to a Koalas class with parent participation. Koalas – 3 year old beginners. A variety of fun games to develop balance, movement, and motor skills as well as listening to instructions. Very active and fun.

3.5 & 4 year olds

Development of kicking, running control, and dribbling as well as listening and following instructions. The class uses a variety of fun games with lots of physical activity.

4 year olds

The progression class for Cubs. More challenging skills and new concepts are introduced. The emphasis is on individual motor skill development and fitness.

5 & 6 year olds

This class develops kicking, balance, dribbling, foot-eye coordination and running control by playing fun games. Some 4 on 4 scrimmaging is mixed.

6 – 8 year olds (Advanced)

This is the progression class for Grizzlies. Advanced skills are developed using fun games. Skill building and fitness prepares them for the next level of sports.

Join Anytime!

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Quantum Kickers?

You can enroll online, over the phone,
or during your next visit to the center

Inquire about our no obligation trial classes!